Thursday, 6 May 2010

Why I voted for the Labour party in the 2010 election.

Being only 25, I have never really understood politics before, well I say understood, I knew the gist but didn't ever pay much attention to it. During the build up to election day (today), I have had many conversations with a variety of people, took on board their opinions, read all the leaflets pushed through my letterbox and Googled the three main parties manifestos.  

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been determined in my mind that I would be voting for the Liberal Democrats, after reading their manifesto I had decided that David Cameron's campaign phrase 'Vote For Change' was correct but it wasn't in fact the Conservative party I believed we needed to change to (I am very anti conservatives).  I like a lot of the Lib Dem's policies and still believe that they deserve a chance.

So why did I not vote for them when it actually came down to it?

Perhaps firstly to explain this, I need to give a sum up of my life at them minute. Just over two years ago, my youngest son was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and nystagmus (an eye condition). At the time, I had just split up with my now ex husband and was working full time in a job I had been doing for the previous 7 years. After receiving the diagnosis, I decided I had to be at home with my son full time to ensure he had the best care available. I handed in my notice without really thinking it over, in my mind, my son should come before anything else. I hadn't thought about the consequences, how I would get by, I didn't even know whether or not I would be entitled to any financial support.
I have three children in total and have noticed a lot of changes to their behaviour since they have had me at home. Whilst I was working, I was tired, we had tea late, we never really got any time before bedtime to spend as a family.

Secondly, the changing of my mind began a few days ago, more than anything, I wanted my vote to count, I wanted it to count against the conservatives, right up until this morning, I was still undecided.
Yesterday evening, I had a visit from the young lady who has been working very hard to introduce herself to the local community as she is running for labour MP in our area. She seemed very nice, down to earth and more than anything, she came across as being natural.
I told her my views, I made it clear I was undecided between two parties. I was told that Liberal Democrats have not been campaigning in this area and that the voting is going to be extremely close between Labour and Conservatives. Knowing that if the second party should win, it will have major negative effect on my life. I had to start really considering whether or not I should vote Labour and keep my fingers crossed or whether I should go with my first instincts and risk Conservatives getting in in our area, shutting down our Surestart centres and taking away the much needed tax credits from families

So that's why I did it. I feel a bit bad towards myself for not going with my heart but I think my head makes sense. I am extremely worried about the effects of this election.

My fingers are tightly crossed tonight!

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